20 June 2023


Walk From Millyford Bridge – 16/6/23


Seven of us met on a hot sunny morning at Millyford Bridge car park at the start of our walk.  As we sorted out rucksacks with water, sun hats etc; a mare & foal wandered by.

We started out along a long gravel track & into the inclosure where we followed tree shaded tracks into woodland going uphill.  There was plenty of conversation & a fair bit of exclaiming over the heat, but we made the most of the shade where we could, even disturbing a few deer who ran past us.  We made our way to Acres Down Tea Rooms – a usual port of call for this walk – but unfortunately it was closed due to the owner’s health issues – the picture below shows disappointed walkers, we could only look over the gate & drink our water while imagining the lovely cake we usually indulge in.

Veering back away from Annie’s Tea Room we cut across open heathland & edged round along the tree border.  One member spotted a buzzard as it launched from a tree nearby & we stopped (in the shade) to watch as it gained height eventually disappearing from sight.

We eventually returned to the starting point after a couple of hours & agreed that it had been a very enjoyable, if rather hot, get together.  Our thanks to Brian & Ingrid for their guidance around the area.