03 October 2007

November Walk

October's Cheriton Walk

I'm told the walk was very good as we arrived too late to meet up and not having tracking skills we unable to trace the twelve who arrived on time. We made several attempts to see where the party went. We went one way until players on a tennis court said nobody went past them. We then saw what seemed a lane but subsequently turned out to be a private entrance to a walled house and garden. Before we turned back the occupant came out and said now we had come this far we could go through his grand estate to follow the right of way path. He said he was tempted to meet us again at lunch but didn't. After that pleasant meeting we then went for a good walk alongside newly planted fields and then back to the village. Where we met a newly married couple staying at the Flower Pots Inn in a separate building, sitting on a bench seat in the front garden. They told us how they enjoyed staying there and how good the food was.
After that being early we went back into the village which is extremely well laid out with a war memorial in the centre and a small brook running past the post office.
Back to the Inn and along came the walkers looking forward to a much deserved meal which we enjoyed sitting out in the Marquee.