02 December 2015

January 2016

December walk

Just 19 members braved the the overcast conditions that threatened rain at any moment, but remarkably apart from a few drops of drizzle lasting 3 minutes, it stayed dry throughout and at times actually brightened a little.
However, a relative level stroll on firm grassy paths (with two or three squelchy muddy patches in a very wet New Forest), gravel tracks and well sheltered from the winds in the woods all the time. Shame to see that the trees have lost their autumn colours already.
We welcomed new members Linda and Martin on their first walk with the group, not at all discouraged by the weather, I hope!

Dave W climbed a tree to take another aerial shot of the group!

Dave B

Pleasant walk today, no Sun but very little rain. It did have a half hearted go for a minute or two but gave up when it realised it was the u3a it was raining on. Found it was ignored and left! If you wish to know how many walked you will have to count 'em. The going was firm if a tadge muddy in places.

Dave W