26 August 2005

Group Discussion

I see no Bulls

Corn Marigold?

August Ramble

Meeting at 10.00 am at Butts Green with its generous parking. Fifteen brave souls ventured once again into the deep woods this time at Lockerley. Amazingly it was relatively dry underfoot as we walked Indian file along the paths bordering the fields as tractors in the far distance moved bales of straw. We then came across a plant that intrigued, similar to a corn marigold but not sure of it true identity. Suggestions needed
Our first test of nerves was the sign warning us that a bull was loose in the fields we had to cross. Dave heroically traversed first and we waited until he neared the gate at the far side before we too left the safety of the fence. Having safely reached the far side we came upon the bulls placidly grazing in a smaller paddock. Discussion ensued as to why house martins were swooping low for insects. Further stretch of country lanes and then back through a swathe of seed "popping" neglected corn, past Lockerley church back to where we started. Disappointment that the local hostelry was not open for food nine of us then went to the Bear and Ragged Staff in Stockbridge Road which understandably was popular with its more than generous platter. Another successful outing for the U3A.