04 June 2015

U3A Walking Holiday 2015 Poem by Pam

The Gower Pennisular
John has found the perfect place
For the U3A to stay
Surrounded by Palm trees
Overlooking Oxwich Bay.
From a rock under Arthur's Stone
Was it a dragon or Welsh troll?
No it was our Christine calling out
From deep within a hole.
Three riders on horseback
Silhouetted on the horizon,
A heron comes from the red pool
Slowly, slowly gliding.
I think Jim needs a sheepdog
To round us up at times,
As we stretch out over quite a distance
But nobody gets left behind.
For a brief moment the sun appeared
On walkers, before disappearing again,
Who stood like gorillas in the mist
On the peak of Cefyn Bryn.
In a field of sheep, Elaine phoned the police
When we encountered an upturned ewe.
The farmer stood it up got it balanced
And after a wee, it was as good as new.
There was coffee confusion in the cafe,
Some people had too many,
Whilst others, even after a long wait,
Still hadn't received any.
With fields of sheep on one side,
On the other, beach and Rossili. Bay.
Wild garlic,wood anemone and celandine
Line the path on the woodland way.
On the beautiful beach of Rossili,
The walkers of the U3A
Stood on a chevron drawn in the sand
For a photograph of the day.
We were told it would hardly tire us,
Sherpa Jim's challenging climb,
His idea was climbing a five bar gate,
A gradual gradient and slight incline.
A red dragon on Mumbles pier
Looks out across the bay,
Giving us our final memory

Of our Welsh holiday.

03 June 2015

June walk

Just 17 members and Dylan started out in splendid sunshine for a fairly level stroll, with a couple of gentle slopes, across heath and in mixed ancient woodlands. The air seemed to be alive with birdsong and several sightings were made, particularly a kestrel riding on the thermals. Good job we had Stewart and Brigid with us. One small ford crossing had to made which was surprisingly shallow following the rain recently, one or two members using the plastic bags. The temperature was ideal for walking, reflected by the number of other people out and about we encountered over the last quarter of a mile across the open heath. Thoroughly enjoyable.
