23 November 2024

 Following yesterday’s inclement weather of snow and bitter wind we were not expecting bright sunshine this morning (22nd) as 6 members met at 10am near the quay in sight of the bandstand.      Spot on time we set off in the wake of our guide (Ingrid) along Bath road passing Berthon Boatyard which has been established there since the 16thC.    But it was the small cottage at no. 10 which was of interest being originally an inn and, reputedly, being the HQ of the Press Gang in the 1800’s.  The thought of that gave us something to ponder. 

Continuing and taking a left turn into Nelson Place we were hugging the walls of the houses as the pavement almost petered out at times to allow room for vehicles to drive down the narrow street, eventually reaching Grove Gardens, formerly the site of Grove House, home of Dennis Wheatley and which was demolished in1969.  Following its perimeter and turning right into Church lane we came across the wavy wall which Wheatley had had constructed.    Apparently, the serpentine shape gives extra strength to a single brick wall and saves on bricks.    He probably took the idea from Elm Grove House a neighbouring building a few yards beyond and on the left where a similar original wall was built about 1900. 

The lane continues to meet St Thomas Street opposite the parish church of St Thomas.  On our left was Monmouth House built toward the end of the 17thC and believed to be the oldest complete domestic house in the town.  Making our way around the back of the church and  across its graveyard we soon came upon the St Barbe Museum for some quick and welcome hot liquid refreshment.

Back to the High street we had a short detour to see Bellevue House (b. 1765) once the home of wealthy Charles St Barbe - five times mayor of the town - and now the home of a solicitor’s practise.  Descending the High St. we passed the gold-painted post box in recognition of Sir Ben Ainsley before crossing the road to the well-known cobbled Quay Hill leading to the Town Quay itself where the IOW ferry terminal is based just over the river.   

Then it was back past the Berthon Boatyard to our parking point.    All agreed it had been worth doing and a different and most enjoyable experience for our walking group.  Big “thank yous” to Ingrid who set it up and ably guided us around. 

We’ll try and find a suitable walk for us to do in January.   
