12 October 2024

 Awoke to bright sunshine and no wind.    Ideal for our walk through the Tall Trees this morning. 

Making our way to the meeting point at Brock Hill we admired many reds and golds in the trees and hedgerows as we drove toward the Rhinefield Ornamental Drive.  9 of us having arrived by 10am we struck off by crossing the road to take the path of the circular walk in a clockwise direction.  The trees are quite a height and dense so not a lot of sunshine filtered through but it was still generally warm as we strode along passing an old bomb crater and reading some information boards and generally chatting and laughing along our way.    Oh, and greeting other walkers as we approached them.  Because the majority of the trees are deciduous  there was not much autumnal colours in them but the low lying bushes and particularly the ferns were sporting a yellowish hue.  All too soon we had reached the furthest point of our walk at the lower car park with some of us making use of the comfort facilities there.    (You really wanted to know that, didn’t you?)

There was now time to extend the walk into the nearby arboretum which was a little more open to sunlight and had specimen trees - with names - to admire and also several interesting large wooden sculptures of acorns and fir cones. 

Back on the track we wended our way towards the car park but not without stopping to admire the tallest trees in the forest: Canadian redwoods planted in the 1800s and currently weighing an estimated 105+ tonnes each.    The mind boggles. 

We reached our car park about 11.15am so cheery “goodbyes” and “see you soons” we made our way homeward ready and refreshed to enjoy the weekend. 

There’s sure to be another walk in November, venue and date yet to be decided, so do join us then for another pleasant outing.   

Ken and Charmian.