19 July 2024

members made their way to the Beaulieu Motor Museum car park this morning all geared up for a walk to Bucklers Hard.    Heading out to the road and skirting the mill pond we made our way into and through the village and then took a path to the left of the Montague Arms hotel which led us to a gate giving access to the gravelled track leading towards our destination. 

It was an extremely hot day but luckily the route was about 50/50 sun and shade and included two short diversions (named North Loop and South Loop) which led us nearer the river by way of board walks and through the cooling shade of woodland.

After about an hour’s trek we reached the Hard with its famous single street of two rows of facing dwellings.    It was straight into Henry’s pub for some necessary liquid refreshment which we carried into the garden for a bit of a sit down. 

Twenty minutes later it was time to face the hike back which none of us looked forward to but, surprisingly, once we’d got our legs and knees into gear it didn’t seem so far as the outward journey nor take as long.

However, we were all glad to reach the car park where we all collapsed into our vehicles, hot, sweaty but happy that we’d done it.    An estimated 6.25 miles.    Then it was cheery  goodbyes and thank yous to our leaders before heading back home to flake out on the sofa.

There’s a less strenuous get together next Wednesday with a coffee morning arranged at the Broadlands Lakes cafe from about 10.30am.    If the sun stays shining it should be really pleasant sitting on the outside decking there.    To find the cafe proceed to the Calmore roundabout and then continue past the football ground.    Take the first road on the right (Hill Street) and follow it about half a mile and the entrance is on your right, immediately BEFORE the road crosses the motorway.      Weather permitting or not, a good time with friends is assured.  Enjoy. 
